Like most people, you may be considering making a New Year’s Resolution about losing weight or becoming more active.  Take a good look at your beloved canine companion…  does he or she need to lose weight or become more active as well?  Doing it together could be just the ticket for both you and your dog, and it can be extremely fun as well!

Enrolling in dog agility classes is a great way for both you and your dog to spend more time in physical activity.  Come learn how much fun your dog can have crawling through tunnels, tipping a seesaw, scrambling over an A-frame and jumping over hurdles and through a tire.  Both you and your dog will spend the entire class period running, jumping, and having a FUN, exciting, active time together.  Moreover, you will be helping create a more responsive, well-trained dog while you’re having such a good time bonding together.

If you’re a Florida resident, make sure to check out Florida dog agility training.  By the end of the course, you will learn to teach your dog to pay attention when asked, greet strangers and known visitors alike politely, come when called, walk on a loose leash, lie down, wait and stay. If you’ve ever encountered problems at the dog park or while out on a walk, you’ll be happy to know that agility classes also stress management skills, socialization, “MANNERS” and problem solving.

Best of all, the human companion also benefits from the physical activity of dog agility training!  Make 2011 the year for a fit, healthy You and a fit, healthy, happy pet as well!